Sunday, 19 January 2014

How i feel about Books...

When people say books are boring, they say there's no point in spending hours reading books when you could just watch a movie instead, they say books are for nerds and geeks, they say its a waste of time or their time is too precious to waste on it. I just think about how terrible their upbringing must of been, my generation were brought up on books, introduced to VHS tapes then DVD's. We were shown that anything broadcasted was first a script. 

Films and TV Shows came from a story they weren't just improvised upon the red light turning on. A living breathing person who has talent to not only create a unique and compelling story but trigger your imagination, so instead of reading the book you are watching the characters, you're imagining what they look like and what they're doing, you know how they are feeling and the difference between how they act and how they truly feel deep down. You dare to imagine it all, it draws you in, keeps you reading, keeps your attention like nothing other in the world. 

Now how can anybody compare this to something so contemporary, something that although shows you emotion it can't explain anything, you can never have a character explaining how they feel without it boring you but in a book its not explaining it because you can see how they feel and know in their actions and thoughts. 

In a movie they skip past all the detail and the things they deem as unimportant however in a book they go into detail about everything not missing a single thing out and putting emphasis on the small deemed insignificant things because they matter just as much as the exciting action packed parts. 

When people say that books can never compare to movies they are just proving their ignorance and showing us what our future generations are going to grow into and be like. I will never stop reading books because they are worth so much more than a movie. A movie leaves nothing to imagination yet a book not only entertains you and addicts you but it works your brain, it teaches you, it helps you and it trains you. Your brain is constantly working away guessing and hoping what's going to happen, imagining how things look, feeling how the characters feel. 
This is something a movie can never give you.

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